Rails and grails job scheduling

In my continuing comparison of ruby on rails to groovy and grails I've discovered another big difference. Grails has excellent support for job scheduling, whereas the existing rails plugins are confusingly complicated.

In grails, to set up a job, install the quartz plugin

grails install-plugin quartz
grails create-job MyJob

and edit the new class called MyJob

class MyJob {
static triggers = {
simple name: 'mySimpleTrigger', startDelay: 60000, repeatInterval: 1000

def group = "MyGroup"

def execute(){ print "Job run!" } }

Done, you now have a job running inside your application running at a repeating interval. The pluging supports cron-like syntax as well as custom triggers.

Rails, on the other had (much like perl ;) has more than one way to do it. The biggest thing I notice is that most of the rails plugins either #1 require you to schedule a unix cron job example or #2 require you to run another ruby process to do the scheduling example. The fundamental difference is that the "ruby way" is to create a new process manually instead of forking a process or new thread in the initialization of your application (like the java/grails way).

Some other ways to do it from the rails wiki.

In short, background job scheduling is something that grails took a completely different approach with. By leveraging the quartz library and embracing all the multithreaded goodness that is a modern J2EE container, grails makes a compelling case for "this is the way you do it". Rails, on the other hand, for all it's "convention over configuration" talk, has a rats nest of confusing methods to accomplish a fairly routine and simple task.

The fundamental problem with this sort of activity in rails is that the underlying architecture isn't designed around the concept of a long running processes that service multiple simultaneous activities. In my head, this is a pretty important consideration when you start thinking about managing more than a simple CRUD application. The rails way is to essentially ignore this and let folks run amok building random plugins. The grails way is to treat this as a fundamental (though optional) part of building web applications.


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